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Recovering a mythical post from anaitgames

There was a time when a mythical post on anait games arised.

When I’ve looked for it in the internets and i’ve found the layout isn’t kept anymore, so I’ve decided to put it here with a better layout for future references

Here you can find the original post:

Chiconuclear y Xavi Robles llegan de fiesta y se encuentran con esto en el post del Crackdown 2.
Creemos que se merece una entrada como mejor post de la historia de AnaitGames.
Geras ha hecho una lista con 47 elementos que deberían aparecer en Crackdown 2. Temures de viejo. Hoygan:

1 motos
2 aviones
3 taxis q te lleven a donde quieras
4 humers
5 traker
6 feraris
7 bbicis
8 patines
9 patinetas
10 barcos
11 q tu puedas crear tu propio personaje
12 q el mapa sea muy grande
13 q allan islas
14 q allan deciertos con sus animales
15 q allan animales por la calle coomo pérros o gatos 16 q allan niños
17 q puedas comprar tu casa 18 q allan peluquerias
19 q puedas comprarle ropa
20 q gane dinero por cada q mata a un malo o un enemigo
21 q puedes elejir entre ser un pacificador o un pandiloco
22 q allan elicopteros
23 q naden mejor
24 q allan animales en el mar como peces ballenas
25 q se pueda sumerjir en el agua
26 q llueva o q granice
27 q cambie de clima
28 q tengan los dias del año para q en diciembre neve y llegue santaclos jaja
30 q alla jaloweeen
31 q festejen los dias con desfiles o q allan desfiles asi por nomaqs
32 q allan carreras de caballos y q te los puedas robar y meterte en la carrera
33 q allan cuadrunees
34 q allan lanchas
35 motos acuaticas
36 jet pack
37 q puedas modificar tu auto
38 q allan camiones monster
39 q allan pitserias o amburgueserias
40 q se pueda jugar de 1 a 4 jugadores sin interconeccion
41 q te puedas sentar
42 q pueda aser ejercicio
43 q balla a un jimnacio
44 q allan clubs deportivos
45 q allan parques
46 q puedas entrar a las casas o a los edificios
47 q allan tuberias a las que puedas entrar

A little advice

SDL overrides the main method, so don’t forget to include sdl.h in your entry point file. Otherwise the SDL_main funciton won’t be called and you can spend like two hours trying to figure out why the hell the system is not creating a proper context :P

The last game i’ve worked in

Last Thursday, the last game I’ve been working on was launched at te Apple App Store. Since then a lot of things have been said about that game, some good, some bad :). I’m thinking seriously to write an in-depth post-mortem of that game as i’ve been the only person involved in the development of that game since the beginning and until the day it was submitted. A lot of things have happened, some good and some others even better personally, but it hasn’t been a piece of cake. I will ask one or two people if i’m allowed to talk about XW.

I’ve been interviewed!

The folks at fasebeta interviewed me just to know my impressions about the industry, gaming and such. You can read it here (it’s in spanish only tho)

Porting to mac

I’ve started coding again, a bit, not too much :).
Currently I have the engine working on linux but as my primary computer is now a macbook pro I will port it to mac, but this time using cocoa and all that stuff, that way i’ll learn a but about it.
In fact i had it compiling on mac without problems but linking was another issue. SDL overrides de main method and seems that macos didn’t like that adn you had to do some tricks here and there to make it work. As i didn’t like that I just decided to go to a more platform dependant solution. This way I learn more and at the same time i make all my code more platform independent.

Things to do: The Master Plan

This are the things i have to do to be happy again.

Currently the engine still has a strong component system (which affects to its speed) and supports PCF and SSAO with a forward rendering. The idea here is convert it to a deferred renderer, and these are the steps

  • Logging System
  • Ogl Loader
  • Md5 loader
  • Calculate Normals, tangents and bitangents for Md5
  • Create new shaders
  • Deferred Shading
  • Jackpot!